Privacy Policy & Terms of Use
All the standard disclaimers that applies to almost every other product review site applies to this one too.
The following notices extend to all sites under the Spot Cool Stuff brand including all content in our Travel, Tech, Media, Design and Website channels:
Privacy Policy
Visit us often. We won’t tell. Spot Cool Stuff will never, ever, sell or purposely reveal personal information about our visitors unless required to by law. This includes not selling or revealing names and emails collected by commenters or subscribers to our newsletter. Further, we take reasonable precautions to keep others from accessing this information but, naturally, we can’t be held responsible for any beaches of security.
We do serve advertisements from third-party companies on our site because we have to pay the bills somehow. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address, or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, click here.
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Buy this website for millions (of dollars, euros or pounds, not Turkish lira). We’re open to that. In the event Spot Cool Stuff is acquired by another company information from and about our website readers may be among those assets the transferred to Bill Gates or any other acquiring entity.
We reserve the right to change our privacy policy and terms of use at any time and in any manner without prior notice. Nothing on this page is intended to—and does not—create any contractual or other legal rights in or on behalf of any party.

Terms of Use
Be nice, please. Spot Cool Stuff welcomes comments including those that express disagreement with our editorial opinions. We also think that every topic can be discussed respectfully. If people can’t keep a modicum of politeness with the innocuous topics discussed on then what hope is there for us to constructively discuss truly important issues such as religion strife, globalization and David Beckham? So, please, keep profanity and rudeness to a minimum.
Your comments are welcome, however . . . we reserve all rights to edit, delete or not publish any comment, including (but not limited to) those comments that we consider spam and those that break the Be nice, please rule (above).
We’re not so much for the kids. No one under age 13 is allowed write comments and should not be on Spot Cool Stuff to begin with. Minors 13 to 17 years of age must get the permission of their parent(s) or legal guardian(s) before reading, commenting or making purchases through our site. We encourage parents to install internet monitoring and protection software, such as Safe Eyes, to help their young ones have appropriate online experiences.
We always try to be right. But we aren’t always. (Like that time we thought we were wrong and we weren’t). It is the nature of the topics discussed on Spot Cool Stuff to change. And we do make mistakes. At this very moment there is surely content on this site that is incorrect. By visiting any page on you agree not to hold us responsible in any way for any error or omission on this site—we make no warranties over the accuracy of our content. In viewing this site you acknowledge that relying and/or acting upon any content is done completely at your own risk.
We strive to provide unbiased, objective information and will never engage in a quid pro quo wherein we write false information about product, or express an opinion we do not truly hold, in exchange for compensation. We do, however, accept review products and promotional materials from companies we review. We also exercise our right to choose editorial topics based on our financial interests, including potential income from affiliate sales and/or compensation provided to us directly from the company being reviewed.
Spot Cool Stuff links out to other websites in our content and through our advertisers. You accept all the risk of clicking on those links. We do not have control over, and do not accept responsibility for, the content on or the actions of sites we link out to.
All text on is original, proprietary and is the copyrighted property of Spot Cool Stuff. We work hard on our content—please don’t steal it. You may copy up to half of any one post for your own personal use. To copy more text than that, to discriminate it in any way or to use it for any purpose other than your private personal use you must have express written permission of Spot Cool Stuff. Photos on Spot Cool Stuff come from our own photography, from company public relations departments, from our guest writers and from a variety of online sources including Flickr. Some photos have their copyright holder indicated. For photos that are linked to Flickr, the photographer linked to is that photo’s copyright holder.
We love to hear from our readers, from advertisers and from companies with cool products. In an interview setting Spot Cool Stuff uses standard journalistic practices; this may include receiving information “off the record” and not attributing quotes of anyone wishing to remain anonymous. For all other communication, please note that Spot Cool Stuff reserves the right to use as we see fit any and all information or correspondence sent to us via email, letters, phone, or any electronic or other means of communication (semaphore, smoke signals, etc.). You acknowledge that any communication with or transmission to Spot Cool Stuff may be intercepted or read by others and is not confidential. No fiduciary relationship exists between you and Spot Cool Stuff.
Any questions? Do not make any assumptions about our privacy policy or terms of use. Instead, email us with your questions and concerns at BIZDEV @ SPOTCOOLSTUFF.COM.